1. Публично фондонабиране
2. Лични дарения
1. Събития
2. Обучения
3. Юридически разходи
4. Маркетинг
5. Софтуер и др. услуги
Политика на дарения
At Volt we are committed to transparency and high ethical standards when it comes to the treatment of donations
- When referring to donations, we refer to funds or donations in kind.
- Throughout the donation process and until its conclusion, the entity who donates to Volt Europa is not considered a Donor of Volt Europa.
- Volt Europa commits to only receive donations from donors who do not contradict with or jeopardise Volt Europa’s aim and ethics.
- Everyone can donate to Volt Europa.
- Volt Europa maintains the right to reject any donation, without providing reasons for the rejection and transfer them back to the donor within a time frame of 20 business days, detracting the administration fees related to this transaction.
- Funds received will be donations to the legal entity “Volt Europa A.S.B.L.”. The association is named after our former name, and we are in the process of rebranding it.
- The accounts of this legal entity is monitored by our treasurers.
- If the donation of any organization exceeds the cumulative amount of 3,000 EUR within a year at any given point, Volt Europa will notify the donor and 20 business days after the notification and disclose the name of the donor on its website and other communication.
- If the donor disagrees with rule 8, the amount will be transferred back to the donor’s account, detracting the administration fee related to this transaction.
- If at any later stage Volt Europa learns of activities of donors which contradict with or jeopardise Volt Europa’s aim and ethics, Volt Europa keeps the right to return the donation and remove the donor from Volt Europa’s donor list.
- If the donor would like to add a statement and a link to Volt Europa’s list of donors and Volt Europa agrees, the statement and link may be published on Volt Europa’s website and other communication.